The First Unwritten Principles Of The Snowball By Warren Buffett?

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The first unwritten principle of legendary investor Warren Buffett, begins even before you start investing because to make money in stock from market investment, first, you need money. And if you want to make money, you need a lot of money.That's why before you become an investor, you must become a person who generates large sums of money.

Buffett was always hungry for success and wealth, and as we said before, Warren Buffett probably better businessman investor. The investment has served only to multiply their money consistently, using the compound throughout his career as entrepreneur and investor interest.


In the book The Snowball that part of his life, where a teenager, even at one point came to be lost is collected …show more content…

While that was not going to get rich at 6 years at least he understood that part of the secret of business is to buy wholesale and sell retail with higher profit margin . According to Alice Schroeder's biography from smallish already he had that knack for money management and persuasion of people. The distribution of value-added papers. Later, the young Buffett begin to make money from one of the most classic forms in United States; delivering newspapers at …show more content…

At this stage, since Buffett made his first business partnership with a friend, creating Showroom Shine Buffett, a business polishing cars. A business that soon close, as the duo of businessmen discovered that required a lot of manual work to earn money. Buffett learned lesson: "if to make money in your business, you work it with intensity, that is not a business but a job".

The business of pinball machines.

This business idea itself that provided easy money. He bought an old pinball machine for $ 25, and convinced a barber to install. In this way, customers could play while waiting for their turn.

Gains earned him the first machine were harnessed to invest in a second machine, and so on. The business was very profitable, so it soon had pinball machines in barber shops around Washington.

A passage where at age 13, he and his friends would sneak into the race tracks of hair, picking tickets also appears drawn. And the young Buffett knew that many people did not understand this game, except seeing it in the movies, and some people forgot that was secondary prizes on those tickets pulling.

That Buffett had fun picking lying crouched tickets, and that statistics were almost always drawn to award tickets he

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