The Film Black Like Me By John Howard Griffin

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The movie “Black Like Me” tells the story of John Howard Griffin, an investigative journalist that had set out on a mission to write about what’s really happening to black people in the Jim Crow South. While he was in the Jim Crow South he experienced blatant racism right out of the gate, starting with the bus driver at the beginning of the movie. Griffin meets three similar but different men that each give him a ride. The first man he receives a ride from a traveling salesman, who starts the ride off on a good note by just simply talking about his job. The conversation rapidly takes a turn for the worst when the salesman asks if Griffin has ever slept with a white woman. Griffin,was forced to act appalled by the mere suggestion, quickly denies it. The man then gently pushed the subject again hoping to get the answer he sought after, but then denied once again for the answer he seeks. The salesman then reveals his true nature by angrily demanding that Griffin admits he has. This causes Griffin to then respond by raising his voice at the salesman, effectively ending his ride and resulting in him having to walk the rest of the way to his next destination. …show more content…

John receives a ride from a man in an old beat up pick up truck, the man instantly seems a little off. The conversation starts out about the bird the man had bought for his wife and it quickly turns sour when the man demands that Griffin address him as sir. The man then asks if John has a family, and when John reluctantly states that he does the man then questions him if his wife has ever “had it” from a white man. Griffin, again angered by the questions of a white man, tries to stay calm and begrudgingly replies no. The man then angrily tells him that a white man sleeping with a black woman does them a favor, which extremely aggravates John and causes him to ask that the man pulls over so he could

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