The False Character Of Emily In The Film Brick

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In the movie Brick, my femme fatale character is Emily. I picked this film because when I the trailer I was quite curious on who killed Emily and why. It left me with great suspension and I wanted to find out what really happened to her. While watching the movie I gained a few likes and dislikes about Emily. She was very pretty and stubborn in the movie. Which I think played perfect for the role of the femme fatale character. There were also some dislikes on Emily that I had on her; she wouldn’t accept any help from Brandon when she needed it the most. She stole from the rich kids, which led her to stress and didn’t do any good for her. Another dislike was, she was addicted to brick (heroin). So far in my life, I have not seen anyone like Emily …show more content…

Emily was an insecure girl who wanted in the club badly. Raising everyone’s eyebrows when they saw her. She was a mysterious little human being. She was helpless and needed someone desperately in the club to help her. She was associating with a rich kid in the club and was pregnant by him, but it was never stated who he was, leaving us to wonder who. Emily uses her innocence and her prettiness as to her advantage to get into the rich club where she could get the brick (heroin) due to her addictiveness to the drug. Emily can also get away with things due to her petiteness unlike some other kids in the club.
Emily brought a lot of the trouble to herself. Even though after everything she has done she was still considered as a victim. She was the one receiving the harm even though she caused it by herself. Emily stole the brick (heroin) because she needed more and was highly addicted to it. But even though she stole from the group it shouldn’t not lead to death for any reason. So that leads her as a victim in the movie. Emily was not in control, she was controlled by Tug and the some of the other people in the club. She had to follow strict rules while she was in the rich kids

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