How Does Emily Change In Our Town

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In the novel, “Our Town”, Emily shows potential to be categorized as a main character. She is in all three acts unlike most other characters. Emily went through a huge emotional change throughout the book. She shows a few types of characterization including dynamic, and round. In Act I, Emily is still just the kid of the Webb family. She goes to school and goes about her regular day like a normal kid would. Emily Keeps up on her studies very well. She is known as the smartest and the brightest kid in her whole grade, which really doesn't have that many people attending. But she is still the smartest out of the few that actually go to the school. She is sixteen, so like most other girls around this age worry about the most minor things, and EMily worries most about her looks and beauty. Emily just takes things easy and doesn't worry about a lot of things, mostly just her school work and her looks. She help George Gibbs a lot with homework also, so she is caring towards him in Act I. So Emily is just the …show more content…

This causes for a big controversy between Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Webb and Emily and George. Act II shows that Emily is becoming a little bit more of a round and dynamic character by being able to try and get out there in the world a little bit. The two soon to be married kind of shape each other's characters by getting to know each other more and more and finally getting married. Emily evolves from a little sixteen year old girl that all she was worried about was her schoolwork and being pretty, and within three years she is already getting married to a boy from down the street of the little town of grover's Corners. Emily's parents and George's parents both tell their kids to wait a little while, but with then trying to split them up only makes them want to get married eve more. This goes to show that Emily is a determined person and her strong willed personality helps her change throughout the

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