And Then There Were None By Emily Bren Character Traits

648 Words2 Pages

Laura Pearce
Block 4b

True Evil While all the people on the island had various faults and problems, there was one person in particular had the most evil crime of them all.In the book, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, there were ten people who were all on the island for their crimes that they didn’t get convicted for.. Emily Brent committed a horrible and heartless crime without feeling any remorse or guilt. Her personality doesn’t improve matters on the island either. She is a very hypocritical woman with a heart of stone. All these traits together make her the most evil on the island. Emily Brent is a compassionless, hard hearted woman. Instead of looking at people weaker than her with sympathy, she ignores them. These traits …show more content…

When Brent first comes to the island, we can tell right away that she is a religious fanatic who obsesses in her own goodness. She is a person who lives by her own special standards. Although she says the Bible is her guide to life, she sets her own limits and rules, and uses the Bible only as a tool to condemn. By keeping herself in line and not falling into "worldly" things, she has brought herself to believe that she is higher than every other person on earth. The book says, "She was sixty-five and did not approve of lounging. She sat upright as was her custom" (7). This shows us that she is so uptight she will not even sit comfortably on a train. Emily Brent is perfect in her own eyes, and no one else can ever live up to her standards or even attempt to be a perfect as she is. When we look back to the time when the recording was played, “Only Miss Brent remained alone sitting erect in her chair”(50), showing that she didn’t feel like she had to hide how she felt about her crime. Brent sat erect and neutral showing how she felt no remorse or guilt. When they asked her about her crime Emily states “ There is no question of defense. I have always acted in accordance with the dictates of my consciences. I have nothing with which to reproach myself”(72). This displays that she has no interest in other’s opinions, nor does she feel they have the right to judge

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