The Failure Of The Potsdam Conference During The Cold War

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The Potsdam Conference occurred from July 17th to August 2nd, 1945. The conference took place between US president Harry Truman, Soviet’s Joseph Stain, and England’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The major goal of the Potsdam meeting was what would happen with Germany postwar. They wanted to be able to ensure the “eventual reconstruction of Germany’s democracy and peace.” At that time, the Soviet Union occupied a lot of the Eastern part of Germany and wanted a “unified, but unarmed Germany.” However, President Truman did not trust Stalin’s motives. In addition, Truman had found out that they had tested their atomic bomb and it was ready to be used in battle. Truman seeing the immense advantage the US had from a military standpoint knew he had leverage. …show more content…

Eventually, the three leaders decided to divide Germany up and occupy it until it was certain peace would be upheld. However, they did not discuss the exact date they would stop occupying Germany. As time went on, the Soviets didn’t want to leave and even built a blockade in Berlin separating East Berlin from West Berlin. This only added to the fuel of the Cold War’s fire. This derailed the plan of the Potsdam Conference, which was to eventually withdraw their occupation. For this reason, the impact of The Potsdam Conference was more successful then the Treaty of Versailles but was still not a successful outcome. The Potsdam conference inevitably leads to tension between US and Soviet Union and used Germany as a place to show their

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