Potsdam Declaration Pros And Cons

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This has been a horrific six years with so many of soldiers fighting a fight that doesn’t need to be fought. There is talk of an invasion of japan since the defeat of Germany but there is another way, the Potsdam Declaration. The Declaration has been signed and agreed upon and all we need to do is to present it properly by showing them it’s the only way, showing them it isn’t weakness, and showing them that this will help them. This war has had its effect on all of us especially Europe and it is time to end it, no more blood needs to be spilled. At this moment, it is critical that we use our political power instead of military force. The Potsdam Declaration has been agreed by the United States, Britain, and China that Japan should get the …show more content…

The last battle we fought with japan was a couple months ago, in April, the battle of Okinawa where japan lost 60% of the soldier who fought on their side and lost 2,800 aircrafts. The US lost 14,000 soldiers and over 750 aircrafts but won the battle 82 days later. We can see that if we invade Japan that it will equivalent to the battle of Okinawa except on a larger and magnified scale and there we be over a million causalities and a complete destruction of japan. There is not much of Japan left because we started bombing them last year in 1942 in all of their major cities. Japan sees us, the US, for who really are right now and knows now that with Germany gone and the Axis powers almost defeated that they have no chance. We know that they know this because of their actions, last year in 1944 they started a new military tactic known as Kamikaze. Which is where they crash their planes into troops killing themselves and everyone around them. This may sound as if it means they …show more content…

In the Potsdam declaration states that the Allies will take over the islands of Japan and allow all military to return home unarmed and unharmed. It also states the Japanese people will be given freedom of speech, religion, and fundamental human rights. The Declaration says they may continue their industries to rebuild what destroyed but not any that could re-enable war. The Japanese people are guaranteed the support and protection of the Allies powers. The treaty most importantly states that the Japanese will ne be enslaves or destroyed but only sought out as war criminals with the exemption of the emperor. These will be the causes of the Declaration when it takes effect and these do prevent Japan falling into Russian control which could lead to communism or mistreatment. For example, Mongolia gain independence but Russia signed an agreement to ‘help’ Mongolia but ended up controlling it for the next 72 years. That could have been Japan’s fate but if they sign the treaty they are guaranteed to have a true government run by their people. Also since japan gets the help of Allies powers then they would almost instantly recover because the allies were made up of U.S., Britain, France, Russia, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Greece, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, and Yugoslavia. Japan should be

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