Outline of Essay About the Origins of the Cold War

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Outline of Essay About the Origins of the Cold War



1. Definition of ‘Cold War’ and the Powers involved

2. Perceived definition of ‘start of Cold War’

3. Iron Curtain Speech, Truman Doctrine and Berlin Blockade as

significant events that caused strife between both powers, but

which triggering off the start of the Cold War


1. Iron Curtain Speech (1946)

- A warning of Soviet influence beyond the acknowledged Eastern Europe

- Churchill’s belief that the idea of a balance in power does not

appeal to the Soviets

- Wants Western democracies to stand together in prevention of further

Communist influence

- However, the Soviet Union is not completely seen as an enemy as

Churchill acknowledges the fact that the USSR is not inclined to a

war. Churchill also does not challenge the idea of collaboration

between the Soviets and the Western powers. No concrete policy against

the USSR yet.


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