The Explanation of Vygotsky and Piaget’s Theories

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There are many assessments of Vygotsky and Jean Piaget's work during their lifetimes and deaths. Many of their theories have gone beyond what I am sure that they had expected for them too. Teachers, researchers and parents dabble in their theories of child development, social development and other theories when going about their lives. Whether it is a job or parenting it is a must to know about these two philosophers and what they believed to be real.

Piaget is said to be the founder of cognitive development, he has changed the field of developmental psychology and because of him we no longer discussing strategies, rule-governed behaviors and representations but we do talk a lot about stimulus generalization, mental age, Conditioning, and learning set. To a great extent Piaget has altered the idea of psychology by asking new questions that seemed to have caused psychologists to look at development through the eyes of Piaget (Flavell, 1996).

Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is a theory that contains a mountain of information about the development of human intelligence developed by Piaget. Although this theory is known as the developmental stage theory, it greatly deals with the nature of something that we have poses and that is knowledge. But Piaget does not just speak on the wonders of knowledge but how humans come to acquire it and construct it as well. Piaget believes cognitive development is the center of human organism and that language is contingent on cognitive development.

Piaget's model of cognitive development helps us understand the cognitive growth, the active and constructive nature of the child. The model gives a view of cognitive development’s process of change. Due to Piaget’s theory, many believe that ...

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...ugh I never ever thought that I would hear myself say this, I am curious as to what kind of knowledge the children and educators of the future will pull from these theories that the finders of them.

Works Cited

1. Donato, R., & McCormick, D. (1994). A sociocultural perspective on language learning strategies: The role of mediation. Modern Language Journal, 78(4), 453-464. doi:10.2307/328584

2. Flavell, J. H. (1996). Piaget's legacy. Psychological Science, 7(4), 200-203. doi:10.1111/j.1467 9280.1996.tb00359.x

3. Kravtsova, E. E. (2009). The cultural-historical foundations of the zone of proximal development. Journal of Russian & East European Psychology, 47(6), 9-24. doi:10.2753/RPO1061-0405470601

4. Mahn, H. (1999). Vygotsky's methodological contribution to sociocultural theory. Remedial and Special Education, 20(6), 341-350. doi:10.1177/074193259902000607

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