The Ethics Of Texting And Driving

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I believe that the law was rightfully created because using your phone while driving is distracting, it could kill someone, or cause you trauma due to an accident. First of all, whether you are texting or taking a call doesn't matter. Texting takes your mind and eyes off of the road just like calling takes your mind off of driving safely. Sure you look up from your phone every few seconds, but depending on your speed an accident could occur within the amount of time you glance at a message. When you're talking on the phone you're caught up in the conversation and not paying attention to that guy that just cut you off. Both texting and calling distract you from driving safely. Next, think about what you would do if you did take a life. Keep driving, or call an ambulance? There's no going back. Obviously, a life can never be gained back once it is gone. Back in 2011, Rachel N. Gannon,16, of Kansas City was texting and driving when she lost control of her vehicle and caused an accident that killed Loretta J. Larimer who was 72. Gannon was allegedly looking at her cell phone and texting when she ran off the side of the road. When …show more content…

Take it from someone who has had a brother do this, it is not pretty. Paying for damages, injuries, and therapy gets expensive. If you think insurance will cover you you're crazy. Maybe crazy isnt the right word, going through a traumatic experience can cause PTSD or cause you to feel disconnected. In order to stay mentally fit, please, don't touch your phone while driving. Does being on the phone while you drive sound okay now? I really hope not, Rachel N. Gannon's punishment occurred before this law was enacted. Now, the punishment will be even more severe. If you look at the big picture, this law is a great thing, you may never get in an accident because of someone on the phone but this law decreases the chances of someone's life being

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