The Erosion Of Determination In Boys And Girls By Alice Munro

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The Erosion of Determination
Determination will not always guarantee the realization of one’s goals. When long held traditions and arbitrary standards are not understood as such and are not questioned, an individual will lose sight of goals no matter how much determination she possess. In the short story “Boys and Girls,” Alice Munro depicts the life of a young girl living on the family fox farm and shows how her determination to be free to choose her life is eroded over time. The story is set in the 1960s when there is a definite stereotype for the roles of both men and women. It is the ongoing, small, seemingly insignificant forces beyond one’s control that can destroy determination.
There were three factors that influenced this erosion of the young girl’s determination. …show more content…

The narrator is changed with every small comment made about her. When the salesman comes by and her father introduces her as his new help the salesman easily dismisses her as “only a girl.” Although the narrator pays no attention to it as she is too busy blushing at her father’s remark, it is the start of the process. It continues when she hears her mother say, “Wait till Laird gets a little bigger, than you'll have a real help.” Later her mother says regretfully, “It’s not like I had a girl in the family at all.” The world girl was used with reproach and disappointment. Her grandmother would tell her, “Girls don’t slam doors like that.” “Girls keep their knees together when they sit down.” “That’s none of girls’ business.” Laird comes to realize his superiority over his sister and takes a liking to it. When she starts to sing, as they had always done before bed, he shuts her down by telling her “You sound silly.” She does not fight back and does not sing anymore. Laird humiliates her when she starts crying, quite matter of factly saying, “She’s

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