The Enthalpy Values for the Reaction Between Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Oxide with Hydrogen Chloride

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The Enthalpy Values for the Reaction Between Calcium Carbonate and Calcium Oxide with Hydrogen Chloride [IMAGE] H3 [IMAGE]CaCO3 (s) CaO (s) + CO2 [IMAGE] [IMAGE] H1 HCl H2 HCl CaCl2 (aq) Results ======= Variables of CaCO3 ================== Mass of CaCO3 + weighing bottle 3.302 g Mass of empty weighing bottle 0.831 g Mass of CaC03 used 2.471 g Temperature of acid initially 18 C Temperature of solution after mixing 21 C Temperature change during reaction 3 C Variables of Temperature Mass of CaO + weighing bottle 2.362 g Mass of empty weighing bottle 0.936 g Mass of CaO used 1.426 g Temperature of acid initially 17 C Temperature of solution after mixing 27 C Temperature change during reaction 10 C Calculations ------------ v Heat Capacity x Temperature Change x Volume 1000 v Mass of Reactant Moles Ar v [IMAGE] H1 for the reaction between CaCO3 + HCl 4.2 x 3 x 50 630_ 0.63 1000 1000 2.471 0.025 Ca ® 40 x 1 = 40

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