The End Of Growth Heinberg Summary

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The End of Growth, by Richard Heinberg, goes into deep discussion of the current state of the economy and the its future state when growth ceases. Richard Heinberg discusses current trends within the economy that predict our eventual result. The author makes it very clear that growth is important. As a society, and a planet, we depend on growth. However, certain types of growth, specifically economic growth, are on a path to destruction. He suggests that we find a different definition of growth and focus on that instead of growing from an economic standpoint. Throughout the book, Heinberg uses the image of a balloon to describe our situation. He depicts our society as a balloon that is getting pumped up to be too large and will eventually pop. In other words, …show more content…

One example that he suggests is a global currency (Heinberg, 246), moving towards renewable resources (Heinberg, 247), and lowering population and consumption rates. If we do this, we will grow as a society, in that we will be happier and more sustainable. I was very interested in the book that Jerry Willour presented to the group. The book was called, Spillover: Animal Infections and the Next Human Pandemic by David Quammen. The book was about the origin of diseases and how they can cause spillovers in the human population. One example he presented was how the SARS virus begins in bats, was amplified in pigs, and spread to humans from there. I am looking into getting this book and reading it for myself because that is the field I am looking to get into after I graduate. In conclusion, The End of Growth is a book that describes how the economy will collapse due to our overconsumption of resources. Once this occurs, we will not be able to return to growing. So, we should focus on other forms of growth. Even though we will eventually stop growing, all is not lost. We can find other forms of growth that will make us happier and more sustainable

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