The End

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Listening to stories is something that everyone enjoys. Everyone seems to enjoy them for different reasons too. Some listen to people tells stories because they want to know about what the person is talking about, other because they just want to hear that person talk, and others because they are just being polite and listening to the story so the person telling it does not get mad. When you truly listen to a story that someone is telling you, you can learn a lot. You can learn that you great grandpa was a war hero and that your grandma used to have a motorcycle or that your dad qualified for the Olympics. Stories are something that we need more of and that we need to ask to hear more of. Raymond Carver began writing short stories in 1958 and was “one of a handful of authors said to have revitalized the art of short story writing in the late 1900s.” He wrote in a minimalist way, going with a less-is-more approach. In Raymond Carver’s short story Everything Stuck to Him the ending really allows for you to understand the rest of the story. Everything Stuck to Him is a story that starts out happily with a girl just wanting to know about her childhood, but ends with a hint of discord. This is a story in which you have to read the whole thing in order to truly understand what is going on. When you look at the format of it, it seems as if it is just about a girl that has asked about her childhood and then her father told her the story. After he was done telling the story they had another conversation about how she “was interested.” Even though it had really not been that interesting of a story to someone else, to her it was her life. While reading this story, but to the person reading this, it is just a story. To the man telling the sto... ... middle of paper ... ...ies if Carver wanted it to be, but the two different stories together make up a completely complex and interesting story of its own. The ending of Raymond Carver’s short story Everything Stuck to Him really changes the way that you read the whole story. Throughout the story you question what is going on and how everything got the way that it is today, but by the end of the short story you start to understand everything that is going on. Even though this is a story within a story you have to pay attention to the details to get the whole story and to understand what it actually going on. When you just skim through this short story you do not realize the full story and then when you actually read it in detail you begin to realize how in depth and detailed this short story truly is. At the end of the story you realize that everything was really stuck to, or with, him.

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