O. Henry Award Essays

  • A Glimpse of Dorothy Parker's Life

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    A Glimpse of Dorothy Parker's Life Dorothy Rothschild, later to become the famous writer Dorothy Parker, was born on August 22, 1893 to J. Henry Rothschild and Eliza A (Marston) Rothschild in West End, New Jersey. Parker’s father, Mr. Rothschild, was a Jewish business man while Mrs. Rothschild, in contrast, was of Scottish descent. Parker was the youngest of four; her only sister Helen was 12 and her two brothers, Harold and Bertram, were aged 9 and 6, respectively. Just before her fifth birthday

  • The Power of Carver's Little Things

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    The Power of Carver's Little Things To a reader unfamiliar with his work, Raymond Carver's short story, "Little Things" may seem devoid of all literary devices owning to good writing. Fortunately, these people are mistaken. With his minimalistic style, it is what Carver doesn't write that makes his work so effective. Most of Carver's short stories describe situations that many people could find themselves in and that is why his work is so appealing to readers. They are not restricted to

  • Raymond Carver's A Small Good Thing

    854 Words  | 2 Pages

    Raymond Carver's A Small Good Thing Raymond Carver's "A Small Good Thing," a short story that has to do with the lack of interaction and empathy between the baker, Ann and Howard, the finale where the baker is startled to find out about the child's death, asks for mercy and presents them warm cinnamon rolls telling them that "Eating is a small, good thing in a time like this" and they are comforted, reveals particular significance of the title in terms of the story's theme. Also, Raymond Carver's

  • Themes in A Small, Good Thing by Raymond Carver

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    A formalist perspective focuses on important elements to a story like plot, theme, symbol, characterization, and metaphor. “A Small, Good Thing” is an interesting story that you can understand the main points, but goes into more detail when analyzed. This story has an important plot, theme, and symbols behind it that actually make the story what it is. The author Raymond Carver exposes the reader to feel connected with the story because it can relate to all of our lives. Isolation and collectedness

  • Raymond Carver Neighbors

    1976 Words  | 4 Pages

    Neighbors "Neighbors is a short story written by Raymond Carver in 1988. It is from the collection of short stories "Short cuts". The short story is in brief about the married couple Bill and Arlene Miller, who lives opposite the married couple Harriet and Jim stone. Bill and Arlene constantly see themselves in the light of the Stones' happy life. Bill is a bookkeeper and Arlene is a secretary, while Jim is a salesman for a machine-parts firm. In the story the Stones are going on a business trip

  • Alexie Poem: What You Pawn I Will Redeem

    1223 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the short story written by Alexie Sherman, “What You Pawn I Will Redeem”, we are introduced to an alcoholic and homeless First Nation’s man, Jackson. Through the story we are invited to watch Jackson’ quest to regain his grandmother’s long lost regalia that had been stolen years before. Jackson’s mishaps, always of his own design, show us the man Jackson really is. Alexie has written a round character with many different facets. Led through one day and one night we follow Jackson’s mission. Alexie

  • An Analysis Of Raymond Carver's 'Neighbors'

    1053 Words  | 3 Pages

    Is it typical for an average, happy couple to fantasize and even role-play the lives of their neighbors? The answer lies within Raymond Carvers short story “Neighbors”. It is clear that Bill, a bookkeeper, and Arlene, a secretary, find their lives less exciting and are envious of their wealthy, close friends and neighbors, the Stones’. The Millers are described as an unsatisfied couple living vicariously through their neighbors as they are away on vacation. Bill and Arlene impersonate their neighbors

  • Characterism In 'Cathedral, By William Shenstone's Cathedral'

    1431 Words  | 3 Pages

    “Cathedral” William Shenstone states, “Jealousy is the fear of apprehension of superiority: envy our easiness under it.” The main character in the short story “Cathedral,” written by a well written American short story Author, Raymond Carver, is a married man with doubts of another man from his wife’s past, making him jealous. Carver uses the husband to narrate the short story. The setting takes place in the house of the husband. The story tells about Robert, the antagonist who lost his wife and

  • Character Analysis Of Wallace Stegner's Chip Off The Old Block

    1479 Words  | 3 Pages

    Wallace Stegner produces a positive outlook of adulthood in his coming of age short story “Chip Off the Old Block”. In this story, set during a flu epidemic in 1918, 12 year old Chet is left alone to attend to the family business after his family all contracted the flu. Chet confronts multiple obstacles such as managing the business and having to throw out two thieves by overcoming his childish tendencies. He hosts a party with his many neighbors to celebrate the end of World War I, when suddenly

  • Sherman Alexie's Do Not Go Gentle

    858 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the most difficult situations hope is the only thing is left. Do Not Go Gentle by Sherman Alexie relates the story of a desperate Indian American couple trying to find a way to make their son wake up from his coma. One day, the grieving father leaves the hospital to buy a gift for his son hoping that he will recover. The father innocently enters a little shop called Toys in Babeland. This place was not a regular baby’s toy shop; it was an adult toy store. While he is looking, he is impressed

  • Dan Rush’s Film Adaptation of Why Don’t You Dance? by Raymond Carver

    744 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dan Rush’s Film Adaptation of “Why Don’t You Dance?” by Raymond Carver Raymond Carver is greatly known for his minimalist style when it comes to his works of literature. Due to the fact that Carver wrote this way, the director and screenwriter of Everything Must Go, Dan Rush, had no choice to but to expand on this story by adding more elements to the characters, theme, and plot of Carver’s original work. In the film adaptation of the short story, “Why Don’t You Dance?” by Raymond Carver, Rush

  • The Red Convertible

    1574 Words  | 4 Pages

    to older brother Henry Junior and the shiny red Oldsmobile convertible they bought on the spur of the moment together. The rising action of the story begins when the two take off one summer on a road trip that ends them in Alaska. When they arrived home, it was conveniently just in time for Henry to be drafted for the army. Just months later in early 1970 Henry was fighting in the Vietnam War and Lyman was had the red convertible in his possession. More than three years later, Henry finally returned

  • Character Analysis Of Raymond Carver's Cathedral

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    The unnamed narrator of Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral” poses as an unreliable narrator for his unaccepting nature towards blind people along with his ignorant perception of many realities in his life that Carver presents for the reader to take into question. The narrator holds prejudice against Robert, a blind man whom the narrator’s wife worked with ten years earlier and eventually befriends. Unperceptive to many of the actualities in his own life, the narrator paints an inaccurate picture of Robert

  • An Analysis of the Ending of Raymond Carver’s Text Everything Stuck to Him

    1032 Words  | 3 Pages

    “They were kids themselves, but they were crazy in love, this eighteen-year-old boy and this seventeen year old girl when they married.” (Stuck, 1327) Everything Stuck to Him by Raymond Carver was just one short story in a very popular collection entitled, What We Talk about When We Talk about Love. The story begins in Italy with a young girl asking her father to tell her a story about her childhood. He responds by telling her of what his young life was like with her mother. This text explores the

  • Stuck to Him

    605 Words  | 2 Pages

    This story was a weird one. The details didn't really make any sense until you got to the very end when it all came together. These types of stories make me angry because most of the time they are literally about nothing and I am not patient enough to read them if they are pointless. This story was really frustrating to read because you have no idea what is going on throughout the story until you get to the end where all of the details come together. I can only be confused for so long until I give

  • Popular Mechanics By Raymond Carver Analysis

    1626 Words  | 4 Pages

    In the short story, “Popular Mechanics,” by Raymond Carver, starts with a short rise in action through the introduction of the characters, setting, and plot. The short story has a face paced touch, which moves quickly towards the climax and released the resolution right after. The short story was narrated in third person in order to reveal the actions and the dialogue between a man and a woman which expressed separation, struggle, miscommunication, and conflict between the couple. In the beginning

  • Where I M Calling From

    1347 Words  | 3 Pages

    The life of an addict is defined by a constant state catch and release with sobriety. The addict’s life is a constant state of New Year’s resolutions of cleaning up their own life and attaining the blissful state of sobriety. In Raymond Carver’s short story “Where I’m Calling From,” he describes the story of a few men who are in a “drying out” facility trying to recover from alcoholism. While at the facility, the director tells some of the men to read a work of literature by Jack London.The narrator

  • Role Of The Narrator In Richard Carver's Cathedral

    1851 Words  | 4 Pages

    Richard Carver is well known for his stories which contains characters that are escapist, messed up, and unsociable. He is also well known for creating characters that “They are rarely attractive people, and often readers must work against a narrator's tendency to sound cretinous or Carver's propensity to reveal characters as bigots and dunces.”(Facknitz 292).The narrator in his short story “Cathedral” can be similarly described. Many critiques have the misconception that Carver’s characters do not

  • (A Critical Analysis of Alice Walker’s short story Everyday Use)

    747 Words  | 2 Pages

    Antojos de Mis Ojos (A Critical Analysis of Alice Walker’s short story Everyday Use) Albert Camus once asserted: “Men are never convinced of your reasons, of your sincerity, of the seriousness of your sufferings, except by your death. So long as you are alive, your case is doubtful; you have a right only to their skepticism.” In Everyday Use a strong willed mother tries to protect her younger daughter, Maggie, from having a quilt passed down for generations stolen from her by her materialistic older

  • (An Analysis of the Conclusion of Raymond Carver’s Everything Stuck to Him)

    724 Words  | 2 Pages

    There’s a Whole Lot of Voice in This, Sorry in Advance (An Analysis of the Conclusion of Raymond Carver’s Everything Stuck to Him) Never in my life have I read an anthologized short story so stylistically appealing to my own personal tastes.Raymond Carver takes readers on a poetic journey exploring the dynamics of family, marriage, and friendship within a few short pages. The final installment of Raymond Carver’s short story Everything Stuck to Him can be quite perplexing, however the final lines