The Elements Of Memory, Memory And Cognitive Process

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Key points:
The element of memory is defined as the ability to recall previous experiences and is a part of the cognitive process that is vital in the process of learning. In its relation to psychology, it includes the mental activity that is connected to attention, planning, rational thought, and making meaning in an activity. The process is divided into the lower-level neurological base and the higher-level tools such as the retention of literacy, logical, and language aspects of learning. Once some information is obtained, memory is responsible for the retention of the details such as the description, location, and name. That means that the person does not require an external influence to recognize an idea or object that he/she ever saw …show more content…

Memory helps to create and develop personality types as it helps to connect the past information and the present as well as the common knowledge. It forms an essential part of the cognitive functions in human life. While the sensory memory holds the experienced information in the last few seconds, the short-term memory retains information a little longer but not longer than the long-term memory.
This is the model of Atkinson-Shiffrin that shows a linear model of processing and is derived from the field of psychology since it involves the psychological aspects of the human brain. The model is relevant to the cognitive learning process as it attempts to explain the process of information retention. During the learning process, learners receive information that needs to be stored in some memories for use during the learning process or later. As such, different information is stored in different levels of memory depending on the urgency and the level of importance attached to each type of information. Thus, memory is an important element of the cognitive …show more content…

Some of the information learned include the knowledge and skills acquired over a period of time. The main memory settings include the working and long-term memories. The process of keeping information in the memory is called storage and the subsequent taking information from the memory is called retrieval. The process of retrieval may be easy or may require some effort depending on the relevance, attitude, and amount. However, the memory can be divided into sensory memory that is used to keep information in an unencoded form for easy

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