The Electoral College: The Problem Of The Electoral College

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so prominent that there was deliberation that created institutions that created the electoral college, in order to combat this specific problem (Federalist Papers, 68). Furthermore, the democratic system is based upon the simply supposition that if a politician acts in the detriment of his people, then his people will refrain from electing him once again. The challenge is stemmed from the premise that this can occur, and must be remedied by conclusive, accurate information that results in a wise electorate.
Continually, once these citizens, who may be uninformed or misled, elect an agent to represent themselves as a community, this poor judgement may result in varying amounts of agency loss, where the elected official is malicious and corrupt. Moreover, as mentioned before, an informed electorate is essential to a functional and healthy democracy, yet this is rendered useless where there are malicious actors attempting to subvert the will of the citizenry -- the voting process is the strongest means by which we hold our government accountable (FBI), and this process …show more content…

This challenge is democracy is a double-edged sword - if the citizens in a democracy are free to rise up against their government, then it gives power to the people, yet, it leaves a government in shambles and a chaotic society. Yet, the democracy has not been shown to be a companion of anarchy, as the United States has so far shown (Crick, pg. 71) The democratic system is susceptible to anarchist movement, but it remains

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