The Effects Of Technology On Education

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In today’s day and age technology rules the world. Everyone uses technology. The world of technology is everywhere. It is used in the professional world to make communication easier and jobs easier as well, but it is also more effective. In college technology is also being used to help students with their classes and connect with teachers and even turning in assignments in just a little bit later which overall benefits students. Now if technology is used through colleges and the real world why would high schools and middle schools not be following their example? Such schools often do not use technology because they don 't believe it makes a difference or another reason could be funding. Either way there are solutions to both these situations but to believe in that, first you must know about the effect of technology on …show more content…

I come from Gillette a town in Wyoming that has a good amount of money. In all schools such as elementary, middle school, and high school there is a vast amount of technology available for the students to get their hands on in order to excel in their classes. In my high school which was Campbell County High School we had many computer labs for teachers to use if they needed for their class. The library had tons of computers to use. If labs were taken and being used by another class the teacher could sign up for the laptop cart which was a cart the teacher could bring to class from the library and had 20-30 computers in it. There about 5 carts available for the teaching staff. After that let 's say all those carts were being used, well there were 3 more carts but filled with 20-25 Ipads to use. Throughout my education I was surrounded by technology and I believe it enhances and betters education. Although Campbell County High School isn’t the only school incorporating technology there still are high schools in Wyoming who don’t use technology to their

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