The Effects Of Noise On The Workplace

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When Sounds Get Annoying
Sometimes, even the smallest sounds can feel like they are being yelled through a megaphone!
I don 't know why, but I 'm very sensitive to noise. This can be any level of noise - bar noise, shopping mall noise, or just someone chewing too loudly or dragging their feet noise. It 's all noise to me! I get caught up in it, it physically hurts my ears, and I get cranky, annoyed, and miserable. In short, noise makes me negative.

I actually have noise-cancelling earmuffs that I used to use at a doggy daycare I worked at, and I use those things everyday while I 'm working at home or the library, or when I 'm doing something that is too loud for me, such as cutting the lawn, sawing, or walking my ever-barking dog.

I 'm not kidding about noises bothering me. A while back, my husband and I went to watch an action movie. It was the latest Superman - Man of Steel. About half way through the movie I had to leave because it was too noisy and chaotic for me. It was making me ill!

I find that if I 'm really trying to concentrate, noises bother me even more. But, relaxing, enjoying nature, and doing nothing are all times that noises can still bother me - especially certain bodily noises or footsteps.

Even today a guy came around a corner on my walk and he was walking so loud! I knew it was ridiculous to be annoyed at his walking, but the sound drove me nuts.

I 've Always Been Sensitive To Noise

This isn 't new for me. I remember being in grade 9 and listening to the guy behind me tap his pencil on his desk. I gave him a dirty look, but he kept doing it, so I grabbed it from him and broke it.

I 'm not proud of that. Breaking the pencil was obviously overboard. But I couldn 't stand the noise anymore. I also can 't st...

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...e hypnosis session was him talking about going quick in reverse through the noise and in fast forward through the noise, and I had no idea what the heck he was talking about.

Moreover, there were breaks in between his voice (I suppose to let us imagine what he wanted us to imagine) where you could hear him swallowing and a few times almost sighing, and then there were breaks where I thought my MP3 player had unplugged because there was no noise at all! That was even more distracting because when his voice did come back on, it was loud!

While I recommend self-hypnotherapy for other things, I don 't think this is an area of issue that can benefit from it. That said, I will try it again. Maybe it was my mood. Maybe it was my expectations. But, as I stand now - I don 't find it valuable for helping eliminate noise issues when all you can hear is noise in your earphones.

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