What Is The Effects Of Breakfast And Caffeine On Sleep And Sleep?

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Throughout out our nutrition classes it has become known that the brain runs on glucose, which is the fuel that is required to function. Glucose, is obtained through the food that we eat. When we are not eating our bodies rely on stored fuels, for example, glucose, fats and protein to supply the brain, nervous system and organs. The problem with skipping breakfast, however, is that because your body is running with glucose stored from the night before by the time a person wake up in the morning their glucose is level is low. Studies have shown that eating breakfast can improve concentration, problem solving ability, mental performance, memory and mood, and can also start your metabolism in the morning.
Research conducted by the School of Psychology, University of Wales College of Cardiff, UK stated in the their research Effects of breakfast and caffeine on performance and mood in the late morning and after lunch, that the participants in the study had a better recognition memory and logical reasoning, as well as positive attitude change after they ate breakfast. It was also interesting to see that the addition of coffee in their diet also boosted their energy and that the caffeine improved their performance on a sustained attention task, the logical reasoning task and semantic memory task. Subjects given caffeine also reported having more alertness and …show more content…

The study consisted on asking males and females to rate their mood during the morning and list what they had eaten that morning. Both males and females who had eaten breakfast rather than fasting reported that they had been happier and more relaxed during the morning. Those individuals who skipped breakfast had a hard time fitting important nutrients into their diets. Many of the foods eaten at breakfast contain significant amounts of vitamins C and D, calcium, iron and fiber.

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