The Effect of Osmosis on Potato Cells

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The Effect of Osmosis on Potato Cells


Osmosis is the movement of water molecules from an area of low

concentration (lots of water) to an area of high concentration (little

water) through a semi permeable membrane. A semi permeable membrane is

a membrane that only lets selected molecules to pass through it. In a

plant water is taken into the roots by the process of Osmosis. This is

because the cells inside the roots have a higher concentration than

the soil outside the roots. So the water from the soil moves into the

cells by osmosis. When a large volume of water enters the cell, it

swells causing the membrane to push against the cell wall. We say that

the cell is fully turgid. When the water moves out of the cell, the

membrane shrinks away from the cell wall and becomes a flaccid cell.

This causes the plant to wilt, as the cells can no longer provide

support for the leaves.


3 test tubes Top pan balance

Test tube rack Tile

10mls of weak sugar solution Labels

10mls of water Scalpel

10mls of Strong sugar solution Ruler

Measuring cylinder Potato

Core borer





















Below is a list of all the variables I can consider to use in my


· Have several different concentrated solutions.

· Use different lengths and weights of potatoes

· Have the solution at different temperatures.

· Different volumes of solutions.

· Several potato chips in one solution

Fair Test

To make sure my experiment is fair I am going to:

· Make sure I use the same volume of solution in each test tube

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