The Effect of Intensity on the Power of Solar Cells
This experiment involves changing the intensity of light falling on different cells and measuring their power outputs. Higher intensity of light means that there are more photons hitting the surface of the cell per unit area per second. The more hit the cell, the more rapidly the electrons move across the p-n junction, so the larger the emf produced. If the rate of movement of electrons is inhibited, then the greater the rate of supply of photons (intensity), the more will not successfully excite an electron, so the lower the efficiency of the cell. I therefore predict that the higher the intensity, the greater the emf across the cell, the greater the power output of the
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I have calculated the amount of light hitting the cell by the ratio of area of the cell to the ratio of area over which light is spread:
intensity = power from bulb x surface area of cell
4 pr2
The power from the bulb was worked out from the current through the bulb and voltage put across it by the power pack. An estimated efficiency of 2% was used.
Outline: I varied the distance of the light source from the cell, then took readings from a voltmeter in parallel, and an ammeter in series, with the solar cell.
Rough trials showed the following:
· Using the thin layer polycrystalline cell, I found that pressing contacts onto the surface of the cell scratched it, so I taped wire pickups onto the top and bottom with transparent tape, as shown on the pictures. I noticed that the readings obtained for the current produced by the cell were inconsistent between ammeters (see Experiment Five). I therefore changed my method for the amorphous and monocrystalline cells and used the voltage readings and the
Investigating the Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis in a Pondweed Aim: To investigate how the rate of photosynthesis changes at different light intensities, with a pondweed. Prediction: I predict that the oxygen bubbles will decrease when the lamp is further away from the measuring cylinder, because light intensity is a factor of photosynthesis. The plant may stop photosynthesising when the pondweed is at the furthest distance from the lamp (8cm). Without light, the plant will stop the photosynthesising process, because, light is a limited factor. However once a particular light intensity is reached the rate of photosynthesis stays constant, even if the light intensity is the greatest.
Investigating the Effect of Light Intensity on the Size of a Plantain Leaf Title: To investigate the effect of light intensity on the size of a plantain leaf. Hypothesis: I predict that the size of the plantain leaves would increase as the light intensity decreases. Therefore, plantain leaves found in the shade will have larger surface areas than leaves found in an open area. Theory: Sunlight is an essential factor need to complete the process of photosynthesis.
The Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Oxygen Production in a Plant While Photosynthesis is Taking Place
The energy inside molecules is called chemical energy, so light energy is converted into chemical energy by the chlorophyll. I believe that the results are reliable enough to support the hypothesis, because the graph of results proves the hypothesis because the gradient of the curve increases with the increase of the light intensity. I think that the method used is reliable enough to support the prediction. Overall, both graphs and my results support my predictions fully. My idea that the rate of photosynthesis would increase with light intensity was comprehensively backed up by my results.
To make the test fair I will use the same amount of water and the leaf
The Effect of Light Intensity on Photosynthesis Of Elodea Canadensis Introduction I wanted to find out how much the light intensity affected the Photosynthesis in Elodea Camadensa. I decided to do this by measuring the amount of oxygen created during photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the procedure all plants go through to make food. This process uses Carbon dioxide, water and light energy. It produces Oxygen and Glucose.
How Efficient is Solar Energy Technology? Engineering Challenges. n. d. a. d. a. d. d. 8 April 2014.>. How do Nuclear Plants Work?”
Another widely used primary cell is the zinc-mercuric-oxide cell, more commonly called a mercury battery. It can be made in the shape of a small flat disk and is used in this form in hearing aids, and electric wristwatches. The negative electrode consists of zinc, the positive electrode is of mercuric oxide, and the electrolyte is a solution of potassium hydroxide. The mercury battery produces about 1.34 volts.
An Experiment to Investigate the Effect of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis. Introduction Photosynthetics take place in the chloroplasts of green plant cells. It can produce simple sugars using carbon dioxide and water causing the release of sugar and oxygen. The chemical equation of photosynthesis is: [ IMAGE ] 6CO 2 + 6H20 C 6 H12 O 6 + 6O2 It has been proven many times that plants need light to be able to photosynthesize, so you can say that without light the plant would neither photosynthesize nor survive.
The cell anode is usually a piece of the metal to be plated from solution; this enables the anode reaction of metal dissolution to replace the metal ion lost from solution by the cathodic decomposition. Factors There are many various factors that affect the mass deposited during electroplating:- 1). Current (A) - An increase in the amount of current increases the amount of substance deposited in a fixed amount of time, because there is more energy available to move ions/electrons to the cathode from the anode. A smaller current will pump fewer copper ions from the anode to the cathode in the same amount of mass gained on the cathode is lower. 2).
In this modern fast paced world that we live in, there are many issues that are looked over, energy is one of these. As a world, we are dependant on dwindling fossil fuel supplies and take for granted electricity, oil, and gas. There are four completely renewable sources of energy around us that should be used and developed, they are: wind, growing plants, flowing water, and the sun. These sources of energy are the ones we should be tapping, because they are reliable and renewable. Harnessing the suns energy is the most certain and ultimate energy source. Looking at a brief history and some facts about solar energy, a glimpse of the future can be seen, a future not dependant on fossil fuels.
So how big are cells? Most human cells are about ten microns in diameter. This is about o...
Mie theory of light scattering to calculate the particle size distribution is used in light diffraction, assuming a volume equivalent sphere model.
The main purpose of green nanotechnology has been to develop clean technologies that would minimize potential human and environmental health risk. Also, to encourage replacement of existing products with the clean technologies that is more environmentally friendly. There are many benefits of using green nanotechnologies as the new solution for energy in both their current availability and their current development. Over the new few decades, the highest growth opportunities will come from application of nanomaterials for making better use of existing resources. Nanotechnologies will help reduce weight of carbon emission in transportation utilizing nanocomposite materials that quickly diffuses across the automotive and aerospace industries. Applications of nanotechnologies will result in a global annual savings of 8000 tons of carbon dioxide, which will rise even further to over millions tons by 2020. But, let’s focus on the positive effects of Green Nanotechnology in Solar.
Solar thermal energy is dead! A solar thermal heating system can cost upwards of $7,000 to install and it most likely won't even save you too much money. This is why many people debate over whether they should use a solar thermal water heating system, because they think they are saving money, or an inexpensive traditional water heating system. A traditional heating system is a system that is powered off of electricity, gas, oil or some other fuel. A solar thermal heating system uses the energy from the sun, hence “solar”, and it turns that energy into hot water to either heat a home or to provide domestic hot water. The energy from the sun is captured by energy collectors, also known as solar panels. The water is heated inside the panels and then distributed throughout the home for use or stored in a tank for later use. The ideas behind this sound great, but in reality that is not the case.Solar thermal energy is not the best choice for home heating a home or hot water heating.