The Dynamics Of Friendship In Clive's Trip To The Lake District

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Friendship is a word with various definitions; one person will not define friendship the same as the next. A friendship is special and unique to each individual and “the greatest gift in life is friendship” (Humphrey). Friendship is a delicate relationship that can be broken easily. The main themes in the book Amsterdam are the dynamics and competitiveness in a friendship. On the journey Clive takes to the Lake District emphasizes competitiveness and dynamics of friendships.
A friendships main foundation is caring. If two people do not care for each other it is not a true friendship. Caring needs to be mutual between the friends and needs to be shown mutually in the friendship. The friendship between Vernon and Clive in the book Amsterdam lacks mutual caring.
On the trip to the Lake District Clive analyses the friendship he shares with Vernon and discovers the basis of caring is not present. This lack of caring in the relationship leads to misunderstandings and conflicts between friends. Clive believes Vernon does not care for him or their friendship. Clive realizes the lack of caring affects their relationship. As Clive analyses his friendship with Vernon he starts to recognize he …show more content…

Their friendship was based off a competition for a woman, “they had Molly in common” (65). This similarity could have brought them together but also may have separated them; it would have created jealousy between them. The trip to the Lake District Clive acknowledges the fact that the main thing they have in common is a woman named Molly. The romantic relationship between the woman and each man could have caused a competition for which man she loved the most. This competition may not have been evident during the relationship but it may have been in the subconscious of each man. This could have caused the disagreement between Clive and Vernon. The disagreement reveals the competitive nature between both

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