The Dumbest Generation Summary

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As people in Generation Y develop into complex, technologically advanced, resourceful humans, people from older generations feel left behind and the resentment grows as years move on and opportunities advance for the new generation. Upon researching through the chapter 4 culminating activity, there are two sides, which support or exploit the new generation. As previous generations fade away, and new generations become more advanced, older generations shame newer ones, mostly because they believe their generation is the best. Moreover, the older people are, the more they resent what is new and upcoming. Generation Y is not the “dumbest generation”, conversely it is the most resourceful, intelligent, and worldly thus far. The Dumbest Generation? Don’t be Dumb suggests that IQ scores have been on the rise ever since the 1930’s. The author then explains that the test scores have been rapidly increasing because “tests measure pure thinking capacity” (Begley, 168). The increase in IQ scores is because of the technology in today's world. Generation Y knows how to efficiently search for information, how to analyze what is important from the text, and develop the information into a well rounded document. …show more content…

The author states “new media allow for a degree of freedom and autonomy for youth that is less apparent in the classroom setting” (Al, 170) Information on the internet theoretically provides more educational time for Generation Y. Instead of the basic subjects in school, the internet can be tailored towards any child's learning desire. Technology allows research in subjects that never would’ve been thought of years previously. The internet is bestowing Generation Y with many educational opportunities, and the vast majority of them aren’t taking it for

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