The Dollhouse Condition of Nora and Torvald's Marriage and Household

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The Dollhouse Condition of Nora and Torvald's Marriage and Household

The dollhouse condition of Nora and Torvald's marriage and household was not only the responsibility of Nora, but also that of both Nora and Torvald. A marriage cannot be a marriage without both the husband and the wife. In Nora's case, she as many women during the late 1800's had little rights and respect as a woman. Her opinion was always second best to that of her husband's. To place the blame of the conditions of their marriage only on her shoulders when she could do so little would be like blaming a child for the mistakes of their parents.

In the late 1800, women did not work and was not considered head of the household. The man always had the final word. Women would marry to make their lives complete. Nora was really in love with the person she thought Torvald was. "Little sweet --tooth hasn't by any chance been on a rampage today, has she?"(970) Torvald wouldn't allow her to have sweets because they were bad for her teeth. He showed her no respect. He had little nicknames for her like Wastr...

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