The Disadvantages Of Using Social Media In Daily Life

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Nowadays, billions of people all over the world are using social media every day. Have people ever thought about the benefits of social media? Why would they use social media in daily life? Social media has been a large part of life for the majority of people because it offers us many benefits and makes our life easier. For instance, people can be more aware of the surroundings, people can communicate with people even over long distances and people can meet new acquaintances by using social media. Social media makes us more aware of our surroundings. For instance, if we were on a trip to somewhere that we had never been before. We did not know which restaurants had the best food to eat or which hotels had good services with the cheapest …show more content…

One of the disadvantages of using social media is that it causes distractions for students. According to Zhu. N (2011), learning from social media is more advantageous and attractive for students. Yet, social media also has negative effects that distract students. There are many distractions online such as videos, pictures and activities. When students are doing projects or homework, they are actually paying more attentions to their social media accounts. According to Hembrooke and Gay (2003) had a study of students while they are using computer in class. In this instance, one group of students were permitted to use their laptops or electronic devices in the class while other group of students did not use electronic devices. Both groups are required to take an exam on the teaching materials after class. The study indicates that the part of students tend to have better grade without using electronic devices in the class. The similar example from other study showed that students who use electronic devices in class not only distracted the users, but also distracted the rest of students (Fried, 2008; Sana, Weston & Cepeda, 2013). These researches reveal that students who use social media in class have the tendency to be distracted and have a reduction of efficiently

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