The Digestive System: Bulimia Nervosa, And The Digestive System

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Bulimia Nervosa The human body is like a machine that needs fuel to be able to accomplish certain tasks. Too much fuel or to little fuel can have a great impact on how the machine runs. Food is the fuel that runs the human body. Making the right food choices is crucial to a person’s health. Making unhealthy food choices can lead to the development of chronic diseases such as diabetes or cancer. Along with making the right food choices, it is also important to eat those foods in proper portions. Every person is different, so their portions will also be different. There are several factors that influence a person to eat food. Such as hunger, emotions, environment, availability, family and many more. Short term and long-term controls manage …show more content…

According to Gabbey (2016), “The cycle of bingeing and purging eventually takes a toll on your digestive system. Not only is it physically demanding, but the effects of bulimia can bring on general weakness and fatigue.”. Not only that but bulimia can also cause stomach pain and sore throats. Purging has the greatest impact on the digestive system and its organs. The act of purging means forcing the stomach contents out of the body. This is usually done by inserting any finger down the throat and triggering the gag reflex. Excessive throwing up by this method can cause callouses on the back of the hand. This doesn’t only involve the vomiting foods, but it also involves other components such as stomach acid. Stomach acid is very acidic which can damage teeth over time. The acid erodes the enamel of the teeth, and this can increase teeth sensitivity. It can also cause mouth related diseases such as gum disease. Acid can cause stomach pain and heartburn; it also irritates the esophagus and if in excess can cause it to rupture. Vomiting is one method people practice and the other method is taking laxatives or Diuretics. The over use of these drugs can cause damage to the kidneys or

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