The Difficulty In 'Scout's Honor'

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Life is tough

“Scout’s Honor” by Avi is a realistic fiction short story about three boys that go on a camping trip, while they’re trying to get to the next level of Boy Scouts. To do that they have to go on a camping trip. In the beginning, the boys decide to go on an overnight camping trip. The three 9-year-old boys that live in New York decide to go to New Jersey for the trip- without any adults. Then they take a subway to New Jersey and struggle with the transportation. They were completely unprepared for this trip and weren't experienced enough. Finally, they admitted that they weren't tough enough. So they decided to go back home. Throughout the story the boys struggle to be tough.

Max struggled with being tough. When they were at the subway stations, Max got separated with his friends. He waited alone until the other boys got there. The other boys noticed something on his face. They were streaks running down his face. They asked him if he had been crying. Of course he was but he denied it in paragraph 51. “Naw,” Max said. “ There was water dripping from the tunnel roof. But you said don’t move, right? Well, I was just being obedient.” This proves that Max didn’t want to prove that he was a wimp. He wanted to prove to his buddies that he was tough. …show more content…

When he feels like he’s being joked on he always threatens his friends. For example in paragraphs 22-24 the main character points out that he doesn’t want to be a Tenderfoot all his life. He also proves that scouting is to prove that your tough and doing stuff in the city is for babies. He says “ Look,” I said, “ I don't know about you, but I don’t intend to be a Tenderfoot all my life. Anyways, doing stuff in the city is for sissies. Scouting is real camping. Besides I like roughing it.” Horse snaps back “ You saying I don’t?” This shows that Horse is overly sensitive to criticism and hides it by acting all strong and just like

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