The Different Beliefs Christians Hold About the Sanctity of Life and Their Responsibility for Those at the Beginning and End of Life

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The Different Beliefs Christians Hold About the Sanctity of Life and Their Responsibility for Those at the Beginning and End of Life

Christians believe in the sanctity of life. In short, life has been

described as priceless, its value exceeding all other values.

Christians believe that each individual has a right to life and

everyone is created uniquely in their own way. In Psalm 139:13 and15

the Bible says, "You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and

knit me together in my mother's womb…You watched me as I was being

formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the

womb" This is expressing that God made us, He also "knit" each part of

us together, and took care of us even though we were still unborn. In

1Samuel 2:6, it says "the Lord brings both death and life…" He has

also been described as the "Lord of life", this shows that God is the

owner and giver of life and therefore, he is the only one with rights

to take it away. "Human life is sacred. All men must recognise this

fact"- a statement made by Pope John Paul VI. Furthermore, Genesis1:

27 says "So God created human beings, making them to be like himself.

He created them male and female" this explains that if we are made to

be like God, then we must be special. In addition, in Psalm139:16, it

says "…Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed" this

means that God had a plan for every second of our lives even before

birth. God, especially saw through all stages of life's creation and

"knit" us together in our mother's womb. Subsequently, if God took so

much care to create a life, then surely life must hold a high


Due to this significance and value placed on life, life must therefore

be protected. As God is the Lord of life, no one has the right to

destroy an innocent human being. This is because God made life, so it

is special in God's eyes.

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