The Difference in Energy Release of Various Alcohols

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The Difference in Energy Release of Various Alcohols

In this experiment, I plan to find out the difference in energy

release between different sorts of alcohols. To do this I will test

how much alcohol is required to increase the temperature of 100ml of

water by 30 degrees Celsius. Obviously, many factors may affect my

results, therefore making them less reliable. To improve my results, I

will carry out some preliminary research to see if I can improve the

reliability and accuracy. Please see attached preliminary work for

details (sheet 2a). The preliminary work showed, in short, that it was

beneficial to use an aluminium foil shield to reduce heat loss.

I will set up my apparatus as shown below. To ensure my experiment is

safe, I will sport goggles and comply with all of the normal

laboratory requirements, such as not sitting on benches. To further my

acknowledgement of safety, I will have to take care as one of the

alcohols burns with a clear flame.


I predict that, from observing my bond energy calculations (sheet 1a),

the alcohol that will heat up the water in the least weight loss will

be Butanol. This should be followed by Propanol, then Ethanol and

finally, the alcohol that will grace us with most weight loss will be


This is also backed up by the secondary data I obtained from the data

book. That is as follows:

Methanol -715 kJ per mole

Ethanol -1371 kJ per mole

Propanol -2010 kJ per mole

Butanol -2673 kJ per mole

Overall I will take three recordings for ethanol, and measure the

weight before and after each attempt. I will then repeat this

procedure in an identical way for each other alcohol.

To make my results as accurate as possible I will be using a balance

that can measure to two decimal places, and a thermometer that is

capable of measuring to half a degree Celsius. To make sure my results

are as reliable as possible, I will repeat each alcohol three times.

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