The Defensive Side of Soccer

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The game of soccer has many different dimensions. One of these dimensions is defense. There are two main aspects of defense. The first aspect is mental defense and the second aspect is physical defense. While each of these aspects seems simple, there are many components that go into them. Mastering the art of defense is key component to winning the game of soccer. It has often been said and proven true that a successful defense creates a successful offense.

One of the most important parts of mental defense is the concept of being alert. Alertness is being able to focus on what is going on around you and analyzing the flow of the game. In this analysis, one is able to discern the tendencies of the opposing team, providing the necessary intuition about what defense will be needed in order to create a stop. Being alert makes it possible for the defensive players to be prepared for anything that could possibly happen during a game. Decisiveness is another concept that goes along with alertness. Decisiveness is realizing your opportunity to take action and then following through with it. When you are both alert and decisive, there will be less chance of a delayed reaction.

Another important feature of mental defense is the knowledge of when to attack. This skill is typically instinctive and cannot be fully taught. Knowing when to attack is crucial because you have to attack at the right time or the opposition will get past you. Sometimes the attack is delayed in order to allow the other team time to dribble until the opposition has nowhere else to go and then it is easy for you to go in and attack. Knowing when to cut angles also goes hand in hand with knowing when to attack. When all possible options are cut out for the offensive player, it causes error or retreat, providing the opportunity for the defense to close in and take control over the ball.

Finally, in mental defense, knowing when and how to foul is also very important. Fouling in the defensive third of the field can be very detrimental to the game because the other team can be awarded chances to score. These are often called "silly fouls" because they are uncalled for. In situations such as these when one is faced with an offensive threat, one should attempt a foul near half field or on their own offensive third in order to avoid a silly foul.

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