The Death of a Friend

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Death of a Friend

Last summer, a fifteen year old boy was enjoying the bright summer day with three of his friends. It was the 8th of July, and it started out as an ordinary day. The sky was as blue as can be, and the birds and trees made the beautiful surroundings complete. The four boys were hanging out in the Creek behind the tennis courts. They were "boys being boys" exploring the local stream and its adventures that were waiting to be unraveled.

The boys were hanging out at the side of the creek where it was like a miniature canyon wall. They decided to dig into it to make a seat for each of them that day so they could have a place to sit. Around 5:15 p.m., Jordan Tibbetts was sitting in his indentation when the wall of the creekside collapsed on him. One of the boys was taking a drink at the time when the other two instantly dashed for the ton of dirt piled over their friend.

When we were young, many of us watched cartoons. Some of the favorites were "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Power Rangers." These have one theme in common. It is "good versus evil and the good always wins." Growing up with these kinds of cartoons produces a mental picture that we cannot get hurt. We believe that good can not be harmed and death is only for people that are evil or have committed crimes. Even as we got older around the junior high school years, death to "one of us" never seemed possible. Many may say that they understand death, but most do not realize that it is the termination of life, forever.

Around my earlier teen years, I started to discuss with my friends how "weird" it would be if one of us were killed. We were all freaked out about it, but never thought it would happen. It was just something that we brought up and did not think about much after. Last summer, I unfortunately understood how it would be "if one of us was killed." The day that Jordan died, I was at Red Rock hiking with some friends from another school. The last thing that could have crossed my mind was my long-time friend dying.

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