The Dawn Poem Analysis

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Good morning/ good afternoon class and Mrs Coates my selected poem is time is running out, from the book the dawn is at hand. The dawn is at hand was published in 1966, the author who wrote it goes by many names her birth name was Kathleen Jean Mary Ruska. You may know her by her early pen-name Kath walker. In 1988 she changed it to a more traditional aboriginal name Ooderoo meaning paperbark and Noonuccal the name of her aboriginal tribe. She was the first ever aboriginal Australian woman to publish a book containing poems. Many of her poems are aboriginal based and contain political messages. She has authored around 25 other books of verse. The focus for my presentation is the purpose of the poem, while touching on some craftsmanship. But …show more content…

Who are the dream-time folk the poem talks about? Dream-time folk are the Australian aborigines nicknamed after their view of the beginning of the earth or the dream-time. Who are the targeted audience? Aboriginals were the targeted audience in the third verse because the poem was designed to raise their awareness or even show them their land was being cruelly mistreated and get them to act against the mistreatment. The first two verses were for the white Europeans to raise there awareness of their treatment of the earth and how much the aboriginals are connected with the land. It also implied that the white Europeans are the evil doers and the aboriginals are the victims. The purpose of the poem was to make white settlers to think of what is truly being done by mining it also was trying to appeal to the aboriginals to violently protest for that is the only way to gain the miners attention and make them see what their actions are doing to the …show more content…

The personification was used in the poem to get the reader angry at the miners who are treating a living breathing creature as a mere thing that can be abused this ties in with the purpose for the writer wanted frustration from the reader at the unjust situation she wants the audience to stop and think what the mining industry is doing to their home examples of personification is bottling her black blood and the heart of earth the third personification is the title itself for it suggest that the aboriginals time is running out to save their beloved spiritual land so the text immediately tells the audience it is the time for action in the title which was the purpose to agitate people into action. Alliteration was used in the poem to make a point stand out or remembered this point was bottling her black blood this was to make the reader again frustrated at the continuing pain the miners cause the earth, this also makes the reader want to protest at the silent

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