The Dangers of Ignorance Exposed in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

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In the futuristic world of Fahrenheit 451 books and literature are outlawed. The population is only influenced by the technology and media they are allowed to see. They are mainly influenced by the parlors, or the T.V.’s on the walls. These parlors show exactly how the family should be and it shows no other type of family. The parlors take away a person’s ability to think for themselves. The government wants everybody to be the same. It’s human nature to want to control others or be in charge. That is why the government is continuously overseeing everything the media sends out. The people in Fahrenheit 451 believe themselves to be happy and never question what they are being told. The people in the book are ignorant to what is really going on. Ignorance vs. Happiness is a main theme in the book. In life ignorant people believe that they are happy, but in reality they don’t know what is truly going on around them so their happiness isn’t legitimate.

In Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury states, “A book is a loaded-gun in the house next door.” This is an example of a metaph...

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