The Dangers Of Darkness: The Fear Of The Dark

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Everybody has had a fear of the dark sometime in life, but it’s not the actual darkness that’s scary, it’s what their imaginations tells them is inside. The piles of clothes on the dresser suddenly turns into a monster…, the ordinary house creaks turn into a ghostly figure living in your house. We don’t know what it is in the dark and as we try to imagine what lies inside we start to see the worst fears we have. It 's not the darkness people fear but what it represents. Once the lights turn on though, one realizes that the “monster” was just a pile of clothes in their very messy room. All the fears go away and people see things how they are supposed to be with no illusions or mind games. This all leads back to the natural human instinct of being afraid of what is unknown. Society would rather listen to media outlets, fictional TV shows, tall tales, legends, biased articles rather than listening to each other or figuring out the truth for themselves. Society would rather not help the homeless, and state that they are afraid and use excuses such as they would try to steal from us, or use the money to buy drugs. People would rather “be ruined than learn and be changed. We …show more content…

His killers reasoning was that killing him was revenge for the terrorist attacks of September 11. When he was being arrested, the murderer shouted, "I stand for America all the way.” but in reality he was just afraid that Bir was different. America is the land of the free; everybody has the right to freedom of religion, and most importantly, “the right to live.” Sodhi—who was killed at the gas station where he worked—“died just for being different in a nation gripped with fear”. That is not fighting for America…that is not being willing to learn about different people at the cost of innocent lives. Ignorance is not bliss; ignorance is impotence; it is fear; it is cruelty; and it is all things that are destroying society

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