The Coyote: The Attributing Factor In The Coyotes

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Over the last few hundred years, the coyote have managed to expand their territory from the central region of North America to cover nearly the whole continent. In the northern part of America, they can be found from Alaska to New England. Their adaptability to whatever environment they may encounter has been key to their survival and success... they “can live wherever living is afforded.” (Dalrymple, 1978) One attributing factor in the coyotes success has been the elimination of their natural predators, wolves. When wolves were eliminated from an area, the increased population of prey species along with the clearing of ground for use by livestock or farming allowed coyotes to expand their habitat with almost no limitations. In modern times, this means their habitat now includes cities and urban areas. Along with a lack of natural predators, the intuitive feeding habits of the coyotes have also helped pave the highway to their expansion. Typically thought of as predators, coyotes are actually omnivores. They kill live prey, but will also scavenge carrion or garbage, and …show more content…

Starving coyotes produce small or no litters, while healthy females typically produce a litter of 5-6, but litters of 12 or more have been documented when food is in abundance and population is low. This is called compensatory reproduction (McGill University, 2008), where females come into heat at a younger age and these larger litters are often produced. By the time they are 6 months old, pups are fully capable of taking care of themselves and may venture out to find new hunting grounds. By the end of winter, most have disbursed from their family pack and ventured out to start their own. Their willingness to travel to look for food sources and breeding is also key to the ability to expand their population and ensure a healthy gene

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