The Consequences Of Sex Ed By Anna Quindlen

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Too Young

Many people don 't realize how important sex Ed actually is. Sex Ed should be introduced at an age that teens understand what is being told to them, but where they would also listening take it into consideration. In a story I read called “Sex Ed” by Anna Quindlen I read how she was surrounded by six sixteen year old girls at a table who knew a lot about human sexuality, but she was very surprised because despite their knowledge about sex they were all pregnant. While I was reading this story it made me more knowledgeable of how little people think of sex. Especially when in a relationship. In today 's education sexual education is introduced at a young age of just 12. That is way to young. Although it is good to have …show more content…

On page 184 in the textbook it reads “Jennifer is a Virgin. I asked the kids about it and they said it was shorthand for geek, nerd, weirdo, somebody who was so incredibly out of it that they were in high school and still hadn 't had sex. If you were a virgin, they told me, you would just lied about it so that no on would think you were that immature.” This stuck out to me because although the kids knew the consequences of sex if they weren 't careful they didn 't care…they just wanted to be cool. It 's astonishing how kids nowadays they care more about fitting in then their safety. The teenage pregnancy rate is increasing because teenagers are having more sex just to be seen as “cool” or to “fit in”. How does having sex make you cool!? It doesn 't. Sex isn 't a measure of popularity it 's a way to show your significant other …show more content…

Take college for example. The males come across as friendly and kind then all of sudden they 're asking to have sex or if they could take the friendship to the next level, but not date. How does that work exactly? I 'm not really sure. Some people are all for it and say sure why not, but others not so much. Then there 's the relationships where the two in the relationship are in fact dating, but if they don 't have sex then it 's over. Then there 's the guys that try to convince the girl that it 's totally fine if you don 't use protection, that nothing could possibly happen. Wrong. As Anna wrote “One girl told me the funniest thing her boyfriend- a real original thinker-had told her: They couldn 't use condoms because it was like taking a shower with a raincoat on. She was a smart girl and pretty.” This shows that the guy doesn 't really care about the girls safety he just wants to do what he wants. Sex in relationships shows love, passion, but it can also be controlling. What I mean is that if s girl says that she doesn 't want to have sex with her partner then her partner could then say “well then we are done.” Which causes the girl to then have sex because she doesn 't want to loose

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