The Conflict Of The Middle East Sparks

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The current Instability faced within the Middle East Sparks numerous Theories as to why the region is facing instability so furiously. Two of the leading theories state that either 1. the current geopolitical challenges faced are due to the unravelling of the agreements established during the first world war and that we are witnessing the failings of the crude border-lines drawn by those who placed them in the the Sykes - Picot Agreement. The latter theory states that the unravelling of the World War I agreement is not the cause of the challenges faced but rather nationalism, local politics, and other smaller scaled ordeals are the cause of the modern instability.

Sykes - Picot was created during WWI to benefits the French-British relations and to strengthen their influence in the MIddle East. The agreement stated that the two powers would draw the borders of the regions that they would control. Britain influence would be an indirect control established by advisors however, the French ocontrol would be fully direct and would mirror traditional French colonialism. The borders drawn within the agreement would be set to become the modern states within the Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan). From this agreement the current affairs may be simply the failings of the borders. Local religious practices in the MIddle east are not easily characterized or mapped. The extensive traditions that vary from village to village are nearly limitless in number and diversity. When the SPA(Sykes - Picot Agreement) was written the two powers in position did not account, nor care for this diversity or the possible effects that placing differing tradition within the same stratified border could have within the region, instead the powers drew th...

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...are falling apart? Far from it. They are receiving more attention today because everyone’s eyes are on Syria, but back in 2005 pan-Islamic movements also operated in this area, including an Islamic emirate in al-Qaim near the Syrian-Iraqi border” (Dammit, It Is NOT Unravelling: An Historian’s Rebuke to Misrepresentations of Sykes-Picot. Reidar Visser, 2013). Scholars suggest that the reason SPA is so easily blamed for instability in the MIddle East is because it 's been done many times and provides an easy quick answer to a problem that continues with no clear answer.
Suggesting or denying that SPA plays a role within the infrastructure of the MIddle East and its Current geopolitical affairs remains a debated subject with both sides attempting to supply a definitive answer for the cyclic rate of instability and conflict within the SPA drawn states of the MIddle East.

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