The Concept of Loyalty

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Stated by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as “a feeling of strong support for someone or something “, Loyalty is a feeling universal to everyone. Whether it is loyalty to a relationship, or friendship, self loyalty, or loyalty to a team we all experience the “quality or state of being loyal” (Merriam-Webster).
Loyalty in every aspect is significant in a relationship or friendship. When we think of being loyal in a relationship a hefty amount of situations comes to mind. Keeping confidences in our companion unquestionably, any information that is private should be kept permanently confidential. Telling just one other person is breaking that bond of loyalty, it will now most certainly be told to one person at a time. Respecting our partners’ weaknesses and helping them cope with these situations is being loyal. Therefore, in a state of affairs if a companion is absent minded and loses their keys or other important things, setting up a system to make it easier for him or her can be well needed.
Loyalty to a friend is another type of loyalty. Countless amounts of people believe that it means that when a friend behaves badly that they should say nothing to show their loyalty. Sometimes they feel like they should behave in the same manner to show their loyalty. It makes it seem then what is loyalty in a friendship? , it does not mean when a friend has taken something to the extreme that we don’t pull their ear, or yank their coat tail. However, we do have the right to as a friend to at least let them know that their behavior is not right. Sometimes in situation of friends getting into a heated altercation we may be so surprised that we don’t know what to do. The best way to handle this would be to pull away the friend that is most heate...

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... friendship is pulling our friends coattail and putting them in place. Instead, of saying that it is none of my business, or I can’t tell a friend the truth. Remember, being a friend has everything to do with being there when they need us. Self loyalty is the strongest bond we carry with ourselves. We are not perfect, but we can be honest with ourselves about what is best for us. From tough love with ourselves to not accepting things we know are not right. Loyalty to a brand is shopping at the same store continuously it can be apparel, automobiles, or edibles. The feeling that brand gives you is what makes you loyalty to it. Family loyalty, lastly, a loyal family member is always faithful to their family. When times are hard during illness, financial struggles or when death happens they are there emotionally when needed. Loyalty can be expressed in a myriad of ways.

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