Potential Problem Analysis Essay

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The Concept of Potential Problem Analysis The concept of potential problem analysis, which is also known as potential opportunity analysis, is one of the stages in the Kepner-Tregoe approach for the problem-solving process. This concept was introduced to help in analyzing the consequences of a decision in order to identify what could potentially go wrong and to create initiatives that could address the problems or issues once they actually emerge. Generally, the potential problem analysis technique is developed to offer a comprehensive evaluation of a created idea or action so as to predict any probability for something going wrong. Therefore, this concept or procedure helps an individual to expected problems before they take place and to develop necessary measures that could be implemented to prevent the probable problem from taking place or lessen its effect.
Development of Potential Problem Analysis As previously mentioned, potential problem analysis or potential opportunity analysis was developed and introduced by Charles H. Kepner and Benjamin B. Tregoe as part of their initiatives to identify a suitable approach for problem-solving initiatives. Their work culminated in the publication of a book containing the problem-solving approach they had created, which included the …show more content…

Woods & Davies (2007) states that technologists and scientists have always been involved in efforts to predict what is likely go wrong when dealing with a specific project (p.25). Potential problem analysis is a systematic approach to predict problem and contingency planning for preventing the occurrence of the problem and/or minimize its effect. This systematic approach was developed following the extensive research by Kepner and Tregoe in 1965 towards improving problem solving and decision

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