Personal And Interpersonal Communication

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“… the communication choices we make determine the personal, interpersonal, and relationship outcomes that follow.” (McCornack, S., 2016) Non-verbal communications happen to us daily with everything that we do. From the hand gestures that we make when talking to others, or even the way that we walk. We show different types of body language based off the environment that we put ourselves into. We can show completely different non-verbal communications in the way that we greet someone that we know, or with someone that we have never met before. This is like wise with the way that we say goodbye to that person. A good example of this would be the lobby of a hockey rink on a busy Monday night. It’s a good location for observing human interactions with greetings and goodbyes, because it’s the place where everyone must walk through to get to the ice arena. It’s also where parents like to wait for the children to get dressed in the locker rooms. Being in the “personal” or “social” (McCornack, S., 2016) space would not be necessary to observe clearly, their …show more content…

You cannot not communicate in any situation. With all that we do, we are communicating to others, based off the way that we are dressed to the way that we walk. This shows in the two males where having a good conversation between each other as friends at a correct distance can make a lasting impression upon goodbye. Goodbyes are commonly known as the farewell of friendship and respect, and although the interaction between the females showed more non-verbal behaviors, their lack of goodbyes may show that they were not close friends at all. Once the conversation was over, the females just walked away. Both these conversations were treated on different ways partially based on the distance of the space in between the two-people interacting. “Nonverbal communication is ubiquitous” (Stewart, D., 1987) , so get used to

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