Cultural And Social Experiment: Outline The Cultural Norms

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Outlining the Cultural Norms Paper Introduction Attention getter I conducted two social experiments with six different people and violated various cultural norms to see their reactions. Introduce the situation The first experiment involved shaking hands with strangers while introducing myself to them and standing too close to them while asking a question. And the second social experiment was to stare at random strangers for an unusually longer period of time. Justify why this is important to observe To see how breaking the cultural/social norm of starting conversations with random strangers, invading their private space and staring at them for experimental purposes turns out to be. Thesis – make connections between population, nonverbal, …show more content…

Types of non-verbal communication (voice, body language, touch, distance) Provide examples from observations The second person I approached to start a conversation was of African American descent and in his early twenties. His handshake was firm and he was not hesitant in answering my questions and held the conversation for a short while. On the other hand, in my staring at a stranger experiment, the woman was of Indian descent in her late thirties. She caught me staring before looking down at her phone and she was the only one to not look back at me. Discuss implications/findings Because of his cultural and racial background, this gentleman was not hesitant to engage in a conversation. He happily shook my hand and it took him a while to step back because I was gradually standing closer and …show more content…

It’s important to study and understand a culture and its norms before assimilating yourself into it so that you do not break a serious social norm, whether it be verbal or nonverbal. According to our book, “Nonverbal communication is an ever-present form of human expression,” and you are always communicating messages even if they are not stated explicitly. Nonverbal cues are there for a reason and they help us to form relationships when we learn how to pick up on those cues commonly used by certain people in our interpersonal relationships. Nonverbal norms help to shape our society in deciding what’s acceptable, help us to establish interpersonal relationships, and help us form a part of our

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