The Color Of Christ By Edward Blum

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The Color of Christ describes an interesting, yet complicated, relationship between religion and race. The image of Christ plays an important role in the formation of different religions. The color of Christ has not always been predominately portrayed as white. The Puritans did not believe in religious imagery, thus destroying any images of Christ. Jesus was not solely depicted as white until the mid-nineteenth century. Before then, Jesus came from Jewish roots and had brown eyes. The formation of this blond hair, blue eyed, white Jesus came about as the nation itself began to change as Catholics and Jewish immigrants came into the United States and whites began to grow in power. Before white Jesus emerged, people in different cultures depicted Jesus as their own. During the civil rights movement, some black people portrayed Jesus as a black African with an afro comparing the struggles of Jesus with the struggle of their people in the south during the civil rights movement in order to make their Jesus more relatable to suit their own religious obligations and constitutional objective...

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