The Clash Of Civilization And Remaking Of World Order By Samuel P. Huntington

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The clash of civilization and remaking of world order is written by Samuel P. Huntington in 1993; however, it was originally published in 1996 by Simon and Schuster. The author critically analyzes the behavioral conflict among countries after Second World War and concludes that the battles lines around the world will be cultural-clash in future. The main focus of his discussion revolves around the idea that states there is no more ideological, economic or outdated rivalries among countries, rather it would be a matter of cultural identity to maintain world order. He even further goes beyond to state that third world war will be fought on grounds of different cultural-conflicts. The author has divided the book into five parts to illustrate his hypothesis. Chapter 01:- Part I A World of Civilization Huntington has analyzed various theories about different socio-economic scenario and political order in first part of the book i.e. A World of Civilization. He came to find out that perhaps none of the related theories have been able to forecast the actual life after World War II. He was certain that all of these theories could not depict the reality of 20th He says that it was quite difficult for different states to have individual identity. They were not able to categories themselves in such immense cultural unification. Therefore, many of the countries went down for identity crisis that Huntington stated as: “rallying to those cultures with similar religion, language, values, and institutions, and distance themselves from those with different ones” (Huntington, 1996). He also analyzed different organizations which were formed soon after the War such as European Union. It could lead to one major development to modern civilization. Many other states which got separated from a mutual hub, started to struggle hard to attain individual identify in

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