The Cheater's Guide To Love By Junot Diaz

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Short Story Analysis Essay In the short story, “ The Cheater’s Guide to Love” by Junot Diaz, the main character, Yunior discusses his relationship with his unnamed ex - girlfriend as well as other women he called sucias before calling them by their name over the course of several years. The narrator undergoes many hardships over his ended relationship with his ex because the life he was once so accustomed to no longer exists. Diction and Syntax are used to reveal the character's true personality through his tone despite his many tactics and attempts to cover it up. Diaz uses diction to show how truly broken Yunior, the narrator feel and is. As the years begin to pass the narrator begins to “ [harbor] a lot of grievances against her” (1). This is an example of diction as the narrator admits that he has hard feeling against his ex - girlfriend. These hard feeling do not come off nicely though, they are expressed as anger. His feelings of anger cause him to act and say certain things overtime. However, throughout the next five years of his life the situations he …show more content…

He moves away to “ Boston [which] is really racist” (6). While in the city of Boston Yunior encounters many troubles that leave him confused and lost. The setting definitely affects the tone of the story because the Yunior does not feel completely comfortable in the city that he currently lives in which adds to his feeling of depression. Because the narrator is unhappy in his current setting he feels extremely unsettled and lead to him acting as such. These actions include attempting to sleep around, contacting his ex- girlfriend whom is still unnamed and associating with people that do not give his the best advice and lead him into making decisions that could possibly create trouble for him. Here, he has friends and meet up with several different women over the course of five

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