The Characteristics Of The Bernie Madoff Scandal

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Dishonesty will always be a trait in a handful of people in society. When there is wants in life, there will always be those who are greedy and want it all even if they have to go past ethical boundaries to achieve it. Bernard Madoff was one of these people who wanted to trick people into believing he had a strategy for a quick and reliable return on investment plans. This was called the Bernie Madoff Scandal. The Bernie Madoff Scandal was a scandal where Bernard, who was the main player wanted to pull a Ponzi scheme on many of his clients to achieve wealth for his clients and to portray wealth going back into his pocket. Many people invested in him including many famous and wealthy people. Some well known figures that invested in his firm …show more content…

Madoff was able to attract many investors into his Ponzi scheme. Ponzi scheme is defined as a “fraudulent investing scam promising high rates of return with little risk to investors” (Staff, Investopedia). This is done by attracting new clients to invest so they can generate money to pay off older clients. Madoff was very successful at getting lots of investments due to his past experiences and his charm. Many people viewed him as one of a kind, he was able to connect with his audience. He was able to continue this scheme with no attraction to him from the government because he hired over 400 employees to his firm to cover his money tracks. However, there was one man who did feel skeptical about Madoff’s execution. Harry Markopolos caught Madoff early on and sent evidence to SEC in May 2000. They disregarded the evidence because Madoff was very creative at concealing his fraudulent activities. Jerry Reisman states “People didn’t want to know what he was doing. If it’s too good to be true, it isn’t true. But people didn’t care. They were greedy” (Reporters). The people that invested in Madoff, did not care about how he earned the money. They only cared about the outcome and that was the payout of the money that Madoff owed them. He did this scheme until he did not get any more clients and could not afford to pay off his old ones. When he reached this stage he confronted his sons about his fraudulent scheme.
The scandal was surprisingly found out because of the honesty of Madoff’s …show more content…

Legislation was needed because this crime is extremely severe. The United States v Bernard L. Madoff case decided that Bernard Madoff is guilty of 11 charges. Legislation charged him with “Securities Fraud, Investment Advisor Fraud, Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud, International Money Laundering to Promote Specified Unlawful Activity, International Money Laundering to Conceal and Disguise the Proceeds of Specified Unlawful Activity, Money Laundering, False Statements, Perjury, Making a False Filing with the SEC, and Theft from an Employee Benefit Plan” (Bernard L). The result of his actions is imprisonment for 150 years in the Federal Correctional facility in North Carolina. Bernard was 70 years old when he was arrested and he will no doubt have to be in prison for the rest of his

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