The Challenges Of Amnesty International

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Amnesty International is a well-known international human rights organization. They defend individuals whose rights have been violated by nations. According to their website, Amnesty International has a mission “of a world in which every person – regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity – enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other internationally recognized human rights standards.” (Amnesty International, 2016a, Our Mission, para 1) According to the UDHR, every person is born free and equal, regardless of race, gender, political status, class, or economic status. (International, 2016b) Additionally, the UDHR states that all human beings have the inalienable right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, …show more content…

It is an organization that works to protect human rights on an international level, regardless of the race, gender, or social or economic status of the individual needing their protection. If humans as a species are to survive and prosper on a global level, we need to foster a world that protects and nourishes individual rights. Amnesty International is already working toward this goal.

One of the challenges that Amnesty International faces is the plethora of human rights violations that need addressing. They are one organization, albeit a powerful one, but they cannot solve all the world’s problems. They will need to prioritize which issues are essential and which cases they should take on. (“Many rights, some wrong,” 2007) Amnesty International cannot fight all of the battles of the world on its own. There are too many individuals needing assistance, and too many causes needing support. They will need to decide which battles to fight, and which can wait for another day or another

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