The Century Quilt Summary

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The “Century Quilt” presents a cohesive past, present, and future aspect which in turn embodies the quilts lifely and almost story like quality with the use of shifting structure, symbolism of colors, and the peaceful, yet changing tone.

The first stanza embodies a nostalgic tone due to the memories presented of the authors Dad and Meema. The idea of this nostalgic stanza is peaceful with the use of the words “asleep”, “meema”, and “princess”, as the use of sleep is the most restful and thus peaceful state one can be in. “Memma” elicits fond memories of oes grandmother or similar figure which generally the granddaughter is the pride and joy. Lastly, “princess” brings people to when they dreamed of being magical charecters and they still had all the peace and imagination in the world. The structure is somewhat short, yet still descriptive as to describe how much there is left in ones life. Connecting this quilt to the memorires of the past gives it life and starts the story it is about to tell. …show more content…

The symbolism of color starts by comparing the color of fond parts of the authors life with “...The yellow brown of Mamas cheeks” using colors to signify the feeling the author gets out of the interactions with her family The color is best used because it is directly correlated to the colors in the quilt once again, setting up the story being told and eliciting the life like

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