The Cell Membrane In A Basketball Stadium Room

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The cell membrane is a structure that controls what enters and leaves the cell. In a basketball stadium, the security guards are like the cell membrane. They can say who comes in if they don’t cause any problems and are following the rules and they can reject them and make them leave if they have something they aren’t supposed to or they are doing something wrong. This is how security guards are like a plant cell’s cell membrane because the security guards control what enters and leaves the stadium like the membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell.

The nucleus is a organelle that controls all life activities, especially reproduction. In a basketball stadium, the head coach is like the nucleus. The head coach controls everything that happens especially what his team does. This is how the …show more content…

In a basketball stadium, the stadium walls are like the cell walls. The stadium wall surrounds the stadium and helps support the structure. This is how the cell wall and the stadium wall are alike because they both provide support to the structure and they both surround their structure.

Chloroplasts are and organelle that contains chlorophyll, and is the place where photosynthesis takes place. In a basketball stadium, the concession stands are like chloroplasts. The concession stands is like chloroplast because it makes food for everyone at the game. This is how chloroplasts and the concession stands are alike because they both make food.

Cytoplasm is a jelly-like fluid inside the cell in which the organelles are suspended. All life activities except reproduction happen here. In a basketball stadium the fans are like cytoplasm in a plant cell. The fans are like cytoplasm because they are all over the stadium like cytoplasm is all over the plant cell. This is how cytoplasm is like the fans because they both are all around the

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