The Caucasoid Race And Racism In The Autobiography Of Malcolm X

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In “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” book, Malcolm X suffers to courageously advocate for the rights of blacks. He was a human rights activist. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history. Malcolm focuses on how racism against blacks dehumanizes them. The Caucasoid race around Malcolm typically read him as one thing but human, and Malcolm’s need to correct this perception drives his fight for racial equality. He experiences delicate racism in his youth from his family and faculty, United Nations agency treat him otherwise from others as a result of him being black. Although his foster folks and a few of the people he encounters in class square are nice to him, Malcolm thinks these folks treat him nicely so as to point out however unprejudiced they are. He feels that they 're mistreatment of him as a result that he 's completely different, as if he were a “pink poodle.” At the start Malcolm successively dehumanizes the Caucasoid race as revenge for his own subjugation. In Boston, he displays his white girlfriend Sophia as a …show more content…

He talks about the extent of brainwashing the Black community was under at the time. He wants to begin addressing the issue with African Americans in releasing themselves from the mindset that they are inferior in comparison to what he calls the “White man”. Malcolm X stresses the importance of the Black community of having to understand that their success isn’t dictated by another race rather than their own selves. He wants his race to change their mindsets as desegregation laws are taking place, because if they don’t, that will still exist mentally within their community and they won’t be able to properly value themselves as who they are. Belief in yourself is essential for your

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